
Monday 30 November 2020

Cinquains (Sin-Canes)

This week in literacy we looked at cinquains. Cinquains are poems that are 5 lines long, they don't have to rhyme and the number of syllables per line changes, and goes in the order of 2,4,6,8,2. I had quite a bit of fun, but I lacked creativity and basically wrote a cinquain about the first thing that came to mind.

Monday 16 November 2020

Rolling Dice


For this task we had to go on a dice roller app and we had to roll 2 dices and record what numbers we got in the table.We also have to write down how much different number combinations you will get if you roll 2 dices.Then we had to answer how many times did we get a double and how many rolls is it likely to take for Whaea Kelly to get a double and begin the game.

Thursday 12 November 2020

Edvard Munch


For this task we had went to Room 1 and created a poster of a famous Artist named Edvard Munch. If your search up on google how to pronounce his name, it's not actually pronounced Munch as in your eating. It's actually kinda pronounce like Edvard Mouk. I may have gotten that wrong, but thats okay! Anyways, so we had to make a poster about all the information we gathered from watching a few videos.

I enjoyed this task because once again, I got to learn heaps more about someone else. Thank you to Mrs Moala for all the information and i'll be sure to remember it for the near future!!

Monday 2 November 2020

Georges Seurat - Art Alive


For this task we went to Mrs Tele'a's class and learnt about Georges  Seurat. We had to find out different information in a video. We also learnt that he was the mentor of another famous artist named Vincent Van Gogh. I enjoyed learning heaps of information about a different artist and his different form of art!! I can't wait for next weeks lesson and when i get to learn how to paint like this!! Thank you Mrs Tele'a for teacher us about all  these different information.