
Wednesday 16 October 2019

Immersion Assembly - Welcome back to term 4

Immersion Assembly - term 4

Does your school do Immersion Assembly at the start of each term? Well, my school does. Today is monday the 14th of October, and there are only two things that I'm happy about. One, it’s the first day of school, and I get to hangout with my friends again, and two is that it’s my older sister’s birthday. So, today all the students and staff of Point England School gathered together for the first day of term 4! We all gathered up in the hall because each year we have an amazing assembly called the Immersion Assembly. My favorite act, out of all the teams was team 5. Team 5 is the year 7 and 8 territories. The teachers wore long hula skirts, and danced. They entertained the students of Point England School by dancing to a song called Waka Waka. The song Waka Waka came from a famous Latino and Aribic singer named Shakira. Then the teachers of team 5 did a Niuean or samoan dance from Lilo and Stitch, which I’m pretty sure is a Siva Samoa. Then last, they did the git it up song. To be honest, I think they did really good dancing, and not to be mean, but I think they did even better dancing than my older brother.

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