
Thursday 24 October 2019

What does it take to be an Effective Leader

What does it take to be an effective leader?
Do you know what it takes to be a successful leader? Just try these. People say that being a leader is very simple, but they might not know the struggles of being a leader themselves. Being a leader is all about being able to show commitment in what you say, show confidence in what you do, and being able to use your initiative and do your work without being asked. 

Firstly, an effective leader is committed they what you say. Most people want a leader who actually cares about the things they promise to the people who worship them. Another reason why a successful leader must keep their promises is because the people who worship that leader want to achieve that same goal. For example, if you said to your employees “Guess what everyone, you all get an extra day off from work tomorrow, I promise” then they’ll expect you to keep it or else they’ll just turn their backs away, cause they’ll think your being unfair.

Next, a successful leader must be confident they what you do. Being confident means you have to have self belief. You can show that you are confident about something by always believing in yourself that you can do anything at anytime. For example, some of the Point England School students participated in a live production. It was called the “Toy Shop on Zip Zap Avenue”. Their leader Mr Jacobson had to be confident that all actors, technicians, and backstage people, knew their role in what to do and the right time to do it. So he had to be confident that the things he did was right and how to do everything and where to place everyone, was correct.

Also, a successful leader must use their initiative and do work without being asked. If you can do your work without being asked that’s good, because no one wants to be running around looking for their leader, just so they can do their work. For example, my principal Mr Burt does his work without being asked by making sure that he writes all the 650 newsletters for the students of Point England School to take home. He also makes sure that he organizes his schedule for everything and everyone, so that he has enough time for his family.

So do you think being able to keep a promise, being self-assured and being able to do something without being asked is the right way to become a successful leader? I think this will help the people who want to be a leader in the future, and help other people understand the real struggles of being a successful leader. Thanks for reading and I hope you loved my 3 ways of becoming a successful leader.

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